MOTTERAM, Gary (Ed.). Innovations in Learning Technologies for English language Teaching. London: The British Council, 2013.
Innovations in Learning Technologies for English
Language Teaching is a compilation of case studies
focusing on the use of ICT in English Language
Teaching. The book is divided into seven chapters,
each one dedicated to a specific level of ELT, from
primary to secondary schools, adult and higher
level education, complemented with a chapter
on “English for Specific/Academic Purposes”,
and a chapter dealing with “Assessment”. The last
chapter is a summary of the editor’s objectives for
the book and reflections on the field of Computer
Applications and Language Teaching. The book
is aimed at teachers and researchers in the field
of ELT.
In the Introduction, the editor outlines a series
of articles and books regarding CALL and ELT.
In addition, in each chapter, we find a review on
current issues as well as case studies showing
what and how teachers are using technological
resources in English language teaching. The book
contains very helpful tables organizing the types
of activities and the applied resources. They bring
a very good summary for teachers, enabling them
to make quick references to specific contents in
the book, either from the starting point of the resource
they want to use or the context in which
they teach.