Homeopathy is a science that uses substances from plant, animal, mineral, or biotherapeutic origin, with the aim of stimulating the body's self-healing after a specific pharmaceutical procedure. This science is currently making great progress in veterinary medicine, especially due to the advantages that include lower cost, easy administration, and can be delivered via drinking water or food, avoiding the stress of restraining the animal or a traumatic application of the medication. Despite this, little research has been done on the use of homeopathy in veterinary. Therefore, the aim of this synthesis is to provide information on how homeopathy could help in the treatment of chronic diseases of veterinary interest.
It was possible to observe that conditions such as arthritis and hyperthyroidism present the best results with homeopathic treatments. Other conditions with positive outcomes were associated with homeopathy as a good complementary treatment. However, the lack of studies in this field shows that more studies are needed, especially randomized controlled clinical trials with low risk of bias, to establish solid evidence on the use of homeopathy in these cases.