Complementary and alternative veterinary medicine (CAVM) has been intensively used, and there is currently an increasing demand for a more rigorous approach regarding its clinical effectiveness.
Aims: The objectives of this overview were: first, to identify systematic reviews on homeopathy, acupuncture and phytotherapy in veterinary medicine and assess their methodological quality; and second, to map interventions and findings in the treatment or prophylaxis of any medical conditions in any animal species for which high-quality systematic reviews had identified reliable evidence of efficacy or effectiveness in randomized controlled trials (RCTs) or controlled clinical trials (CCTs).
Seven eligible systematic reviews reported studies on dogs, horses, cats, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, rabbits and poultry. The number of primary RCTs/CCTs was 38 for homeopathy, 35 for acupuncture, and 171 for phytotherapy. The AMSTAR 2 evaluation ranked two reviews of veterinary homeopathy as high-quality, in which two placebo-controlled RCTs comprised reliable evidence, one of which reported efficacy of homeopathy as prophylaxis for diarrhea in pigs. The systematic reviews of acupuncture and phytotherapy were all of low quality, preventing formal assessment of their reviewed RCTs/CCTs.
Conclusion: Only the systematic reviews of homeopathy were rated of sufficient quality to enable the assessment of reliable evidence within their reviewed RCTs. Contemporary high-quality systematic reviews of clinical trials in each of the three areas of CAVM are required.