Programa Show da Fé: um retrato da construção midiática da mídia religiosa evangélica
Programa Show da Fé: um retrato da construção midiática da mídia religiosa evangélica
Heinrich Araujo Fonteles
Malena Segura Contrera
Data de Defesa
Resumo (EN)
The current work aims to develop a thought over the presence of the religious images on the TV media, seeking identify the reasons of this presence and reveal how the religious rituals are modified by it. As a sample of how this logic works, we will present a thought about a TV program - Show da Fé, exihibited by RIT TV - Internacional TV Network and Bandeirantes Network since 2003. This program, which represents this phenomenon from the current media, reveals us how the ritual on TV is transformed in another thing, influenced by other interests rather than religious, reinforcing the economical and cultural logic known by the great media. The theoretical consideration of this current work will avail of the thesis on Media studies, Mass industry, and the relation between midia and religion as well. We thought on how the mass industry, through the vulgarization process, simplifies, builds Manichaeism, updates and modernizes the images, trigging the consumption throughout the TV spectator's identification and projection. Plus, the study calls out attention on the reality sense that the media assumes and that it assumes a religiosity sense by trying to establish the sense. The methody chosen to persue the objetives was a study case, which allows to understand the chains of decisions taken to analyse the phenomenon in a real context, answering questions on "How" and "Why" this phenomenon happens. Throught this study is possible to enlarge the vision of a particular problem to generalize its issue. To focus the study, the research concentrated in one of section of the program - "A novela da vida real". lts episods enables to see the logic hidden in the imagetic discuss. ln the first part of the first chapter, the study presents briefly some reasons that allowed the presence of the religion programs on TV. Following it, the study works on the "Show da Fé" program, showing its sections, its presences in the media, and its holders that figures the program, as well as its main leader's brief history, pastor R. R. Soares.
O trabalho tem por objetivo entender algumas razões que levam a religião a estar presente na mídia televisiva e compreender como se dá a configuração de um programa na TV. Objetivando compreender a estratégia televisiva , foram trabalhadas as idéias de Edgar Morin, cujo processo de vulgarização das imagens nos ajuda a entender algumas questões pertinentes às imagens e como, a partir da configuração das mesmas, intauram-se novos sentidos e significados. Tais sentidos nos levam a entender as razões que permitem à religião transportar-se para o universo da mídia. Ao se dirigir neste novo locus social, a mídia procura, através da construção de uma realidade, religar o sujeito a esta nova situação, permeada pelo universo da religiosidade. Neste sentido, a pesquisa está balizada nos conceitos de Vilém Flusser.
Mídia, Mito, Religião, Fé
Linha de Pesquisa
Configurações de Linguagens e Produtos Audiovisuais na Cultura Midiática
Grupo de Pesquisa da UNIP cadastrado no CNPq
Mídia e Cultura
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